I wanted to jot down what Brooks is up to these days at 14 months:
1. Claps his hands and stomps his feet when anyone sings "If You're Happy and You Know It" without any urgings from us.
2. Pats his head if he hears the word "brush" or "head"
3. Points to his toes if you ask him to find them
4. Starts patting like a crazy man if "Little Einsteins" come on (They have to pat to make their rocket ship go)
5. Says "mama" more than any other word but also says "baby" and "ball"
6. Calls his PawPaw "manny"-totally don't get that
7. Is almost totally off baby food-loves macaroni and cheese, pizza, juice, tangerines
8. Sleeps through the night from about 7:45 (sometimes later) til about 6:00
9. Has 6 teeth-two on bottom and four on top
10. Loves his bath time for the most part
11. LOVES OUTSIDE-he is very, very passionate about the outdoors just like his two uncles
12. Cries hysterically to go outside
13. Drives his four wheeler around-finally learned how to push the button to make it go but cannot steer so he runs into everything in the house-mainly the garbage can and the cabinets
14. LOVES TO WALK- he never crawls anymore and he always wants down...will walk around and around the house forever
15. Likes to go to the grocery store with his Daddy
16. Has to have his elephant binky and his blanket to sleep
17. Loves his paci and his bottle-not sure when he's getting off of that-I just stopped nursing and that's enough change for now
18. Has started making a weird gurgling noise-have no clue what he's try to say but he does it constantly
19. Loves to get in the "fort" with Daddy-Ben makes a "tent" with the comforter and sheets for him
20. Favorite toys are balls, trucks, anything with wheels (he's obsessed with wheels especially)
21. Loves to read and to go to his book shelf and pull every book out-then he actually looks at every book
22. Loves to swing at his MawMaw's house-a precious boy in my third grade class made Brooks a swing (with some help from his grandfather) for Christmas
23. Says that a pig goes "la, la, la"-a Sandra Boyton book has singing pigs in it so that's where that came from
24. Plays tug-of-war with the dog's stuffed cat toy and gets frustrated when he isn't winning!
That's all I can think of for now but I might add more later-he's a fun, fun little boy and is adored by his parents, grandparents, uncles, and aunt!